On Ukraine and the West
If you turned on the news in the last couple days, you wouldn’t be wrong to think that we are on the verge of WWIII. ALL media outlets, including Fox News are saying that Russia has invaded Ukraine. I saw a Fox correspondent this morning reporting from Kiev. He was wearing a helmet and flak jacket!
I couldn’t help but think of a CNN report from the Capital of Kuwait during Desert Storm when the two correspondents dove for cover and put on helmets claiming they were being attacked by Iraqi Scud Missiles. Turns out they were on a set in CA. There is no doubt that Russia troops have selectively targeted Ukrainian military bases and some say they have taken down laboratories producing biological weapons. So yes Putin has sent troops into Ukraine but there’s more to the story than just pontificating that a ruthless dictator is out for a land grab
First we need to go back to 1991 and the break up of the Soviet Union. After the break up, Reagan and his National Security advisors PROMISED the Russians that the US and NATO would NEVER move one inch to the East, towards Russia. Within a year or two, we and NATO had broken that promise. Russia drew the line with those countries where they shared a border, like Ukraine.
George Bush in the early 2000s pushed for NATO membership for ALL Eastern Europe, former Soviet Satellites. In 2008 NATO proclaimed that Georgia and Ukraine could apply for NATO membership. This move infuriated Russia who proclaimed that any move to include these countries in NATO would be seen as an act of aggression. In fact, Russia then went to war with Georgian separatists and beat them like a drum. The move was intended to let the West know that incursions into border countries would NOT be tolerated.
Fast forward to 2013. And understand that the alphabet agencies in Washington had no better friends than Barak Obama. He basically green lit everything they asked for. And one special operation had to do with Ukraine. In 2013 Viktor Yanukovych was the Ukrainian President. It has never been disputed that Yanukovych was elected in a free and fair election. He was offered a trade deal by the US and Western allies. Russia countered with a better offer (and probably some strong arm) and he chose to side with Russia. Soon, media outlets across Europe were claiming that Yanukovych was corrupt. Ukrainians took to the streets in protest. At one point in 2014, shots rang out at a protest. 100 people were slaughtered.
As expected, the West and particularly the US claimed that it was government agents, backed by Russia, that did the shooting. Yanukovych was thrown out and a new President was put in office. This event is sometimes referred to as the Maiden Revolution. The new President was Arseniy Yatsenyuk, a pro-West stalwart who was violently anti-Russian.
Soon after the the “revolution”, a US State Department employee named Victoria Newland was on the phone with DC reviewing the situation. She says that Yatsenyuk was “their guy” and although the European Union supported another person, she was quoted as saying the EU could “Fuck off”. Since 2014, through the efforts of dogged, independent journalists, we found out that the shooting WAS PAID FOR AND DIRECTED BY US INTEL!
In other words, the United States staged an illegal coup in a foreign country in order to get favorable access to their resources and trade. Remember that in these same years, we saw Hunter Biden and his family make millions by looting the Ukrainian nation. After the coup, the Parliament in Crimea, a small but important province in Eastern Ukraine, voted to secede form Ukraine and become a part of Russia. Russian troops which were already in Crimea seized several border crossings and Crimea became part of Russia. Of course Western newspaper claimed that Russia invaded Crimea by force. This is a false narrative.
Regarding the two provinces recently invaded by Russia? Ever since 2014, Donetsk and Luhansk have been fighting for independence. Like the people in Crimea, the citizens of those provinces speak Russian and primarily have sympathy for Russia, NOT the West. They DO NOT want to be part of a Western puppet regime.
In closing, let me ask you. How would you feel if China or Russia staged a coup in Mexico and then signed a defense agreement with the illegal government? Would we idly stand by and allow our Southern border to be attacked? I think not. Don’t get me wrong. I think Putin is greedy for more land and more resources. But he learned it from the best. The United States.
As usual, use your discernment. Don’t believe ANYTHING you see in the MS news cycles. And pray for ALL the people of Eastern Europe. They’ve been abused by powers from the East and West for centuries.